We are makers of Web Log Storming. It was released to public more than a year ago, and unpolished version we use almost for 3 years. Despite of all that, it keeps surprising us with its capabilities. Almost to say: “We made a monster!” 🙂 One of the most powerful features is Path and File parameter.
Simplest use of File wildcard parameter is well known syntax: *.html
, or *.html, *.exe
. Maybe it’s not too obvious that this means “visited *.html or *.exe”. Other examples are:
+*.html, +*.exe
visited *.html and *.exe”
+*.html, *.exe, *.zip
visited *.html and any of *.exe or *.zip
+*.html, -*.exe
visited *.html and not *.exe
Path parameter is similar, but can give more interesting results:
*, /a.html, *
visited a.html (same as File wildcard: /a.html
*, /a.html, /b.html, *
visited a.html and b.html directly after
*, /a.html, *, /b.html, *
visited a.html and b.html after (not necessary directly)
/a.html, *, /b.html, *
entered at a.html and visited b.html after that
*, /a.html, *, /b.html
visited a.html and exited from b.html
Using different combinations you can easily calculate specific conversions.