Author Archives: vradmilovic

Does world really need so many PIM applications?

Is Sisyphus building another PIM?“Opinions are like noses, everyone has one”

When I mention that my company is selling PIM software, I almost can hear “On no! Another one?!”. Other PIM developers surely share similar experience, so let me try to explain what the heck I was (we were?) thinking.

Back in 2002, when our first products just started to pick up and I was getting serious about all this stuff, I needed PIM / to-do list application that I can actually use. After trying out dozen of existing products, I finally came to the conclusion that none of them suits my needs. Some were too complicated for what I need, some were too simple for what I need and some were just too ugly for my taste. 🙂 Of course, I was aware that these products were perfect for some other people, but still, I needed an application that does things differently.

Full of enthusiasm, without hesitation, business plans and similar mumbo-jumbos, I sat down and started a new project: Agenda At Once. Back then I didn’t know what we will do with it: give it away, sell it or just use it internally. I was simply satisfied with a feeling of creating something new and innovative.

After seeing what doesn’t work for me, I had a decent picture of what will. I took these as starting points:

1. My job doesn’t include much fixed appointments – I should probably pay most attention to to-do list management.

2. Of course, time after time I do need to schedule or attend a meeting, so application should have this possibility too.

3. It should be possible to divide tasks into subtasks. Strangely enough, in 2002 not much (if any) PIMs supported this.

4. It should be possibile to enter free-form notes somehow, for any data that doesn’t stricly fall into a “task” category.

5. It should be really easy to use – drag & drop, plenty of keyboard shortcuts, descriptive and simple interface.

It turns out that what worked for me worked for lot of other people too. Soon enough users started suggesting new features and most of them were implemented in all these years. Although number of features and options is multiplied compared to first release, I think we succeeded to maintain almost same level of simplicity and keep original philosophy.

So, what’s the answer? My guess is: yes, as long as at least one developer is motivated enough to create it – there’s a good chance that many non-developers have similar noses opinions.

Agenda At Once PIM on sale – Nov 11, 2008

Here’s an opportunity to get our Agenda At Once PIM for half of a price. On November 11, 2008 you will be able to get full license of this award winning PIM for only $19.95 (US) via Bits du Jour daily software deals website.

Agenda At Once combines the best aspects of other personal organizer applications. It’s a complete PIM system, integrating to-do management, scheduling and planning, contact and note functions.

In addition, it is easy to use and responsive, while being feature-packed but not power-hungry.

With its optimally-designed interface, Agenda At Once will rapidly put you in charge of your – or your team’s – personal information. You’ll be saving time and accomplishing so much more that you’ll be wondering how you even managed without it.

Don’t miss!

First public release of Decision Oven – free

Decision Oven screenshotIn last blog entry we have announced that we are working on a new product – Decision Oven. First public beta is available for download now – and it’s free, until further notice.

With Decision Oven you define alternatives (cars, computers, houses, …) and criteria important for your decision, while software calculates rank for each of them.

For more information and download, visit a website:

Smart way to make decisions: Decision Oven

Decision Oven boxSometimes all of us need to consider several alternatives and choose the one we find most appropriate for our situation. Whether it’s buying a new car, house, computer or making everyday decisions, when there are several important or less important factors, this could be a nightmare. Personally, in situations like this I like to use math to calculate score for each considered option, which helps me a lot in making my mind.

And idea was born – wouldn’t it be nice to have a software that guides us through this process? That’s why we are currently working on a new product that will help you “bake” your decisions – Decision Oven.

Right now, project is in a very early phase and, besides introductory text, there’s nothing to show yet. Regardless, we would like to get a preliminary feedback from you so we can decide if we should polish it for a public or leave it in a “raw” shape, for internal use only.

Feel free to visit a website to see more information, subscribe to a newsletter or leave an early feedback. We are really keen to hear from you!

If you ever felt lost while pondering different options desperately wanting to choose the best one, this software could be just what you need. By user interface designed for ordinary humans, let our software do the underlying math and present you with best alternative that suits your needs.

Expired: 40% discount: time-limited special offer

Discount offer

This offer is expired.

We have decided to offer a massive 40% discount for any of our products, valid until the end of this month. To take an advantage, in next several days visit our purchase page, choose a product and use this coupon code:


Currently we offer three software products:

  • Agenda At Once – advanced to-do list and PIM software
  • CD Label Designer – powerful cd label maker
  • Web Log Storming – interactive web log analyzer / web statistics software

To learn more about each of them use menu at the left of this page.