CD Label Designer: Custom file/song list formatting

Users often ask us how to move and format file and song lists. The truth is: list that appears on label background has very pure formatting capabilities. However, the solution is simple: place plain text object to the label and in Edit Text window select “Insert files/songs list” button (the last button of the window’s toolbar).

After this you can move and place text object anywhere on the label. You can also divide content to two or more text objects and place/format them differently.

Web Log Storming: Using File and Path parameters

We are makers of Web Log Storming. It was released to public more than a year ago, and unpolished version we use almost for 3 years. Despite of all that, it keeps surprising us with its capabilities. Almost to say: “We made a monster!” 🙂 One of the most powerful features is Path and File parameter.

Simplest use of File wildcard parameter is well known syntax: *.html, or *.html, *.exe. Maybe it’s not too obvious that this means “visited *.html or *.exe”. Other examples are:

  • +*.html, +*.exe
    visited *.html and *.exe”
  • +*.html, *.exe, *.zip
    visited *.html and any of *.exe or *.zip
  • +*.html, -*.exe
    visited *.html and not *.exe

Path parameter is similar, but can give more interesting results:

  • *, /a.html, *
    visited a.html (same as File wildcard: /a.html)
  • *, /a.html, /b.html, *
    visited a.html and b.html directly after
  • *, /a.html, *, /b.html, *
    visited a.html and b.html after (not necessary directly)
  • /a.html, *, /b.html, *
    entered at a.html and visited b.html after that
  • *, /a.html, *, /b.html
    visited a.html and exited from b.html

Using different combinations you can easily calculate specific conversions.

Web Log Storming: Press Release

We want to thank Mr. Al Harberg for doing a great job writing Web Log Storming Press Release. Al takes his job seriously and uses his extensive experience to make sure that every word is on its place before sending it to the editors.

If you business supports this kind of activity, make sure that you subsribe to Al’s newsletter – you will find intersting and useful tips in it every month.

Where’s an e-mail address?

If you contact us recently, maybe you have noticed that you can’t find our e-mail address nowhere on the site. You guess: the reason is spam.

Due to enormous amount of spam messages that hit our mailbox we were forced to remove all visible e-mail addresses from the web site and to encourage you to contact us through other channels – specially through feedback form and a forum.

Welcome to the Dataland Software blog!

E-mail is starting to be unreliable these days – not all of messages reach their recipients. Due to the global spam problem people keep changing their e-mail addresses, and also keep their addresses in “secret”.

That’s one of the reasons why Blogs and RSS feeds are invented. You can subscribe to feeds of interest and use some of news aggregators.

Through this blog we will announce new versions of software, special offers, using tips, etc. Also you might find comments about stuff not directly related to our business, but still might be useful to you. In other words, this is better, more reliable and less anoying method of communication than old-fashion e-mail newsletter.

There is a number of available aggregators, some free and some commercial. Let’s name just few of them:

And if you use Firefox or Thunderbird, you might be satisfied with included support.

Choose the one that suits you and subscribe to our RSS feed.